• 243 Days
  • 13 Hours
  • 49 Minutes
  • 35 Seconds


  • 124 Distance (KM)
  • 323 Vertical (M)
  • 4000 Competitors

Important information

  • Price: $119.000; U$S130 (foreigners)
  • Date: 12/10/2025
  • Time: 6:05 am
  • Start: Rosario V. Peñaloza & Aimé Painé
  • Finish: Rosario V. Peñaloza & Aimé Painé
  • Elevation: 233 m. / 1,060 ft.
  • Minimum age: 18 years


  • Friday 10:
    - Bike Expo (10:00 to 19:00 hs.)
    - Race accreditation (10:00 to 18:00 hs.)
    - Technical talk about the race (14:30 hs.)
  • Saturday 11:
    - Bike Expo (10:00 to 19:00 hs.)
    - Race accreditation (10:00 to 18:00 hs.)
    - Technical talk about the race (14:30 hs.)
  • Sunday 12:
    - Race Day (6:05 a.m.)
    - Pasta Party (9:00 to 12:00 hs.)
    - Awards Ceremony (10:00 to 13:00 hs.)

Included with the registration

  • Gran Fondo Argentina 2025 Jersey (optional purchase)
  • Race number (for bike and helmet)
  • Timing chip (partial and total times)
  • GF Argentina sports backpack (optional purchase))
  • GF Argentina cotton T-shirt (optional purchase)
  • Gran Fondo” Expo, on October 10 and 11.
  • Finishers” medals for the cyclists who cross the finish line.
  • Medals or trophies for the winners
  • Electronic classification published online

Services during the race

  • Circuit totally closed to traffic
  • Refueling stations with food and hydration.
  • Medical service (ambulances and stationary)
  • Mechanical service on the circuit
  • Police and private security guarding the circuit
  • Traffic flagmen guiding the cyclists.
  • Post-race Bike Park service (optional purchase)
  • Checkroom service
  • Post-race breakfast
  • Photo service (optional purchase)


Check points

Throughout the circuit there will be a Checkpoint located in the place indicated in the following table. In order to continue in the race, cyclists must pass through this position within the cut-off times specifically established for each Control.

The participants who do not go through the Checkpoint at the indicated cut-off times will be left “out of the competition” and must follow the indications of the race commissioners who will remove their bib with the rider number. From there, the cyclist must get on the Broom Vehicle to be transferred to the Arrival Arch. In case of refusal, the cyclist will be riding through the streets individually, under his sole responsibility, outside the scope of protection of the Gran Fondo Argentina and without any assistance from the organization. These riders must respect the traffic rules and remember that it is strictly forbidden to drive along the circuit out of the competition.

Checkpoint Location & time:

0:00 AM
0:00 AM

*Checkpoint locations and times are subject to change without notice.

Feed zones

Along the circuit, there will be strategically located refueling stations so that competitors can quickly take the food and hydration they need. There will also be chemical toilets available for participants..

No food or beverages will be provided on the move; cyclists must stop to receive services, keeping one foot on the ground. Garbage must be placed in the specific disposal areas; it is strictly forbidden to throw garbage on the circuit.

The following table shows the locations where the stations will be located:

Av. Pampa y Av. Lugones
Km. 12 y Km. 71
AU P. Moreno – Peaje Avellaneda
Km. 35 y Km. 103
A confirmar

*Please note that the locations of the refueling stations may change..